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Abstract Submission Deadline

until April 1, 2025


General instructions for authors

  • Research studies on humans or animals, which are included in Abstracts submitted for evaluation must be in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki.
  • Clinical trials should be registered in the National Drug Authority or with the respective national authority of your country.
  • Intermediate perspective analysis of random studies will be assessed only if conducted according to the original design and with reliable statistical methods.
  • Modification of Abstracts will not be accepted after the deadline of April 1st, 2025.
  • Abstract presentation during the Congress must be identical with the submitted Abstract (title, authors and content).
  • All Abstracts should be submitted in English. Slides and presentation must be in English.
Preparation of the Abstract
  • All Abstracts should be submitted in English.
  • Title must be short and concise and written in capital letters.
  • Authors - Affiliations
  • Names of authors must be below the title, with the first letter capitalized and the rest lowercase. The first name should precede the last name and NOT written in full but only with the initial (e.g. D. Smith).
  • Authors’ Affiliations should be written below the authors.
  • In case of multiple affiliations, please separate them by numbers in superscript:
- After each name, e.g. D. Smith1 , A. Dimou2
- Before each affiliation, e.g. 1 Affiliation A, 2 Affiliation B.
Text Summary and Tables
  • The body of the Abstract (text and tables) should not exceed 500 words.
  • The Abstract should include the following: a) Purpose of the study, b) Methodology, c) Results and d) Conclusions.
  • If the Abstract includes a clinical study, the approval number of the National Drug Authority of your country should be indicated.
General instructions for the preparation of Abstracts

  • Do not leave space at the beginning of each paragraph.
  • Use the Tab key and not the Space Bar to line up text lines or Table rows, when necessary.
  • Do not use characters that are not common in all fonts.
  • Any bibliographic references should be included in the main text.
  • Each abstract could contain up to one (1) image or (1) table.
Submission of Abstracts

  • All Abstracts should be submitted no later than April 1, 2025.
  • Submission of Abstracts is possible only through the online Abstract submission platform on the website of the Congress,
  • Abstracts submitted by e-mail, fax or post, will not be accepted.
  • The desired presentation form should be indicated (oral or poster).
  • For each Abstract, a corresponding author should be mentioned. (Name, phone number, e-mail). The corresponding author, will receive all correspondence by the Congress Secretariat.
  • The receipt of Abstracts is confirmed electronically by e-mail automatically upon submission (each Abstract has a unique ID Number sent upon submission). Please also check your junk e-mail folder. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact the Congress Secretariat by e-mail:
  • If you need to introduce any changes in your Abstract please send a message to the e-mail of the Congress Secretariat with reference to the ID number of your Abstract.
  • Questions about the procedure may be submitted by e-mail to:
Fields to be completed in the Abstract Submission

  • Details of the person responsible for correspondence (first name, surname, telephone, e-mail).
  • Abstract title.
  • Preference of presentation (oral or e-poster).
  • Topic selection (Gene therapy, Cell therapy, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Disease modelling).
  • Name of the person who will present the Abstract.
  • Indicate whether you wish to be considered for one of the meeting awards according to the requirements described below.
  • Upload/select Abstract file (according to the instructions, the file should include: Abstract title, authors, centers of origin, and reference to funding source if applicable).
Abstract evaluation

  • After the deadline, all full Abstracts will be sent to the reviewers for evaluation.
  • Abstracts which do not meet the requirements described above will not be evaluated.
  • As the presentation of the work in the meeting consists an important evaluation criterion for being granted an Award, all Awards will be announced at the end of the Meeting.
  • For any clarification please contact the Congress Secretariat (

  1. «Georgios Stamatogiannopoulos» Award for the best Oral Presentation.
  2. Two equal Αwards for the following two Oral Presentations and
  3. One Award for the best Poster Presentation.
  • Each abstract can receive only one Award.
  • Conditions for the award of Oral or Poster presentations: The work should not have been published in a Greek or foreign language journal and the bulk of the work should have been done in a center/institute in Greece or Cyprus.
  • In addition to the above requirements, the work must have been performed by a Postgraduate Student or PhD Candidate or Postdoctoral Researcher or
    Young Faculty Researcher, up to 10 years after receiving their Doctoral title. All Awards will correspond to travel grants as follows:
    - For «Georgios Stamatogiannopoulos» Award, participation in an International Conference, for example ASH Congress, EHA Congress, ASGCT Congress, ISSCR Congress, FENS Congress.
    - For the best oral presentation awards, participation in a European Conference, for example ESGCT Congress.
    - For the best Poster presentation award, participation in a National Greek Conference, for example the Annual Meeting of our Society, Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Haematology, Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Biochemisty and Molecular